Cam Jungle

Cameron Advanced Mobility’s Jungle Driving Course is designed to give the student the challenges and considerations needed to navigate any type of jungle terrain, as well as vehicle and personal considerations that need to be taken into account while operating in a jungle environment.

Vehicle maintenance and preservation are paramount in any multiday expedition.  The students will learn how to maintain their vehicles and perform proper preventative maintenance as well as maintaining the vehicles in the field environment.  Mechanical scenarios will be created to challenge the students into figuring out problems and executing repairs.  Students will need to take into account fuel ranges and monitor fuel calculations in the occurrence of foul weather and the jungle tracks become increasingly more difficult as well as considering the lack of available fuel.

CAM brings the highest level of training available utilizing vehicles specifically designed for jungle travel.  Students will be traveling in purpose built Land Rover Defender 110’s and Toyota HiLux pick-ups.

Navigation will be of the utmost importance. GPS as well as maps will be utilized due to the sometimes spotty coverage inside the jungle canopy.  Each student will have the opportunity to take the lead, plan and navigate the next day’s route.

Students will leave the CAM Jungle course with a strong proficiency in jungle driving, jungle navigating and executing multiple vehicle recovery scenarios.  As well as knowing what it takes to successfully accomplish a vehicle based multi day jungle expedition.

CAM is proud to offer yet another practical real world driving experience to anyone who desires the need to know the disciplines needed for successful completion of a multiday vehicle based expedition, anywhere in the world!  CAM instructors are the industry leaders in advanced mobility.

Camel Trophy veterans and industry leading professional in the off road industry round out the cadre needed to maintain the level of expertise Cameron Advanced Mobility is known for worldwide.

Day One / Arrival

CAM instructors will perform airport transfers from the airport to the location of the following days classroom mechanical session as well as our accommodations before heading into the jungle.  Students will have time to acclimate and sort gear. Dinner at lodge.

Day Two / Morning classroom session, afternoon practical mechanical session
  • Classroom session on vehicle mechanics, 4 wheel drive systems, recovery techniques, safety and gear.
  • Lunch
  • Vehicle walk around and familiarization.  A laying under the vehicles Q&A reinforcing the material covered in the morning classroom session.  This is the time to ask the questions about vehicles you never knew who to ask!
  • Recovery equipment will be shown and an explanation of its uses will be given. Familiarization of gear and winches as well as winch scenarios will be covered.  Students will have the ability to use all recovery equipment before heading into the field.
  • Vehicle assignments and load out will happen as well as issuing the waypoints for the following day’s navigation.
  • Dinner at lodge
Day Three / Field Exercises
  • Breakfast at hotel
  • Briefing on the day’s exercises and objectives, Medical brief.
  • Lunch  
  • Arrive at Station Camp 1
  • Afternoon mechanical classes, field repair scenarios and field welding class
  • Vehicle maintenance and sort gear
  • Nighttime AAR covering mechanicals, daily instruction and jungle travel
  • Dinner
Day Four / Field Exercises
  • Breakfast
  • Daily briefing on exercises and objectives, reinforce recovery methods and gear, medical brief.
  • Depart for exercises
  • Mountainous two track trail through dense jungle with plenty of recovery scenarios. Objective is the river.  Weather will dictate how far we get?  CAM will have a local jungle survival expert along on the trail for jungle awareness and tips.
  • Arrive back at Camp 1
  • Vehicle maintenance and recovery gear sorting
  • Dinner
  • Nighttime exercise, objective will be given upon arrival at camp
Day Five / Jungle Exercises
  • Daily briefing on exercises and objectives, medical brief
  • Depart for exercises
  • Wider unimproved roads to small two track jungle roads.  Mud, mud and more mud.  Recovery scenarios will be the norm.  Students will strengthen and build their knowledge on winching, recoveries and safety.
  • Potential for practical field mechanical scenarios
  • The importance of maintaining recovery equipment will be stressed due to the tremendous  amount of abuse they will receive on days like this one.
  • Jungle awareness will be stressed for the students who need to go into the jungle for winching anchors and retrieving gear.  
  • Arrive Camp 2
  • Vehicle maintenance and recovery gear sorting and maintenance
  • Dinner
  • Nighttime AAR on daily events, exercises possible
Day Six / Reverse of day five
  • 0700  Breakfast
  • 0730  Daily briefing on exercises and objectives, medical brief
  • 0800  Depart for exercises
  • This is back out the way we came in so the students will have a solid understanding of what needs to be done with the vehicle recovering and driving.  Instructors will take a step back and let students run the scenarios.  Instructors will monitor the students with their vehicle handling and recovery safety.
  • Instructors will also utilize this day for more complex recovery scenario instruction when applicable.
  • Vehicle maintenance and recovery gear maintenance
  • Nighttime AAR on daily events
  • Dinner
  • Nighttime exercises possible
Day Seven
  • 0700  Breakfast
  • 0730  Daily brief on exercises and objectives, medical brief
  • 0800  Depart for exercises
  • Reasonably short drive back to the lodge, we then have the option of going back into the jungle for some clearing of the Camp 6 road to show what it takes to get vehicles through dense jungle tracks. We’ll possibly have the opportunity of shuttling vehicles across a river with a local barge.
  • Dinner will be at the lodge.
Day Eight

Instructors transfer students back for returning flights.

CAM Mobility TrainingS

From high desert to jungle, on horsepack or with horsepower, CAM Mobility can take you there.

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